Why?        Your DOG is your workout partner!®


How It Works Dog Obedience

Thank Dog Obedience TrainingObedience training establishes leadership and a clear line of communication between you and your dog, while also building and strengthening your relationship.

It lays down the ground rules within the home and out in society, where they can relate to other dogs, animals, and people who they've never met before.

Not only does the dog understand and respect what the acceptable behavior is, the owner knows what to expect in all circumstances. This creates a stress-free environment.

Dogs in obedience training are...

  1. Happier dogs. They can relax and feel confident because they know what is expected of them in any given situation.
  2. NOT confused about who the leader is. They know their place in the pecking order, which doesn't allow opportunity to challenge authority.
  3. Trustworthy. They can be around other dogs, animals, and people without concern and can be taken with you wherever you go.
  4. Fun. This allows more playtime and freedom for the dog to run and and be a dog.
  5. Loyal. The bond between you and your dog grows and strengthens into a beautiful relationship.
  6. Exercisable. A tired dog is a good dog and a good dog makes a great workout partner!
  7. Working dogs. Training can be just as tiring for dogs as exercising is. They're minds work hard during these sessions.
  8. Off-leash. Can it really get better than that?

Dogs NOT in obedience training are:

  1. Stressed, anxious, depressed, and/or bored. Behavioral problems arise from lack of training and proper exercise. Chewing, digging, barking, jumping, etc. are ways the dog relieves itself of this excess energy. And don't forget that anxiety is very painful for a dog. It's like a panic attack for humans.
  2. Always a challenge to authority. The dog is confused about leadership and where they are in the pecking order, which creates a struggle between who the real alpha is.
  3. Untrustworthy. There's always a question regarding where the dog can go or who can come to the house. The dog can sense this nervous energy and take it as his/her own by displaying unacceptable behavior to any person, dog, or animal.
  4. Prisoners. They don't get to be a dog because they're too busy stressing out about what's going on around them.
  5. Disconnected. Although there is a relationship between you and your dog already, the lack of communication builds frustration and the time spent together becomes more of an obligation rather than a joyful choice.
  6. Not exercisable. It's really tough to go for a walk or run if they don't know how to heel. Dogs don't exercise themselves, so a big backyard won't guarantee him/her doing laps on their own. If the dog won't “come,” playing fetch won't be an option either.
  7. Lazy dogs. Dog minds need to be stimulated. Otherwise, there's nothing to do but be a couch potato.
  8. On-leash...ALL THE TIME!